
The Coalition’s Roadmap to Women’s Mental Health
Gender is a major part of life. It influences how we move through, how we see, and how we are viewed by the world. Although mental health among women looks...
By The Mental Health Coalition
The Coalition’s Language Guide
The language we use is powerful, so let's talk about it. If you feel a bit unsure about what language to use when describing mental health you, are not alone....
By The Mental Health Coalition
The Coalition’s Roadmap to Self Love
Self-love is something we don’t talk much about, but it’s a major part of mental health. Consider this your guide to the fundamentals of building a loving relationship with yourself....
By The Mental Health Coalition
The Coalition’s Roadmap to Mental Health
Mental health is all around us, but it’s often misunderstood. This Roadmap to Mental Health includes some quick info to help demystify what we mean by “mental health” and how...
By The Mental Health Coalition
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If you or a friend need urgent assistance, call 911 immediately, or take your friend directly to the emergency room. If you feel it’s safe, stay with your friend, or find someone to stay with them until help arrives.

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You are never alone. Help is always available. For immediate support 24/7, reach out to the Crisis Text Line by texting COALITION to 741741, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. It’s free and it’s highly confidential, unless it’s essential to contact emergency services to keep you or your friend safe.


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